Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baby Shower Invitation

I am hosting a baby shower for Nina and Carolyn at the end of October. They have decided to not find out what the gender is, so I picked up these cute make your own gender neutral invitations. Here is a picture of the invitation we sent out:Now it is on to deciding on the menu!

New Carpet

So after living here for 2 and a half years, we finally got our new carpet!!
Here is the before of our Master:

Here is the after:

Close up of before:
Close up after:

It makes the house look so much brighter :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our New Camera!

Travis and I have been wanting a new smaller camera for everyday photos.

After reading 100 million reviews, we decided on the Lumix DMC-TZ5 and ordered it from Amazon! It arrived two days later and we love it!

Labor Day Weekend

What was supposed to be a weekend of camping and relaxation, turned into a crazy running around shopping weekend. On Thursday, the weather channel was calling for rain all three days, so we decided that we are fair weather camping people and we should stay home. Instead, we shopped for furniture and carpet for the upstairs in our house.

I found a man on craigslist that builds custom furniture based off of Pottery Barn designs. On our drive down to his house, I snapped a picture of Travis and one of the most annoying car habits he has:

Tapping the tape deck door thingy. Mostly I think he does it just to annoy me.

Then I snapped one of me!

Ok - Back to the furniture!

So this is the copy of what he has in his house:
He will be building us one of these, as well as a night stand (which I didn't get a picture of). The gaps that are on the side of the furniture will not be there on the one he makes for us. The daybed in the picture was the first one he made. I can't wait for us to get it and put it in one of the guest rooms!

Then we went carpet shopping. We went back and forth between Berber and Twist - and ended on twist.

This is a picture of the carpet that our friends Courtney and Matt have in their house:
We will be ordering something similar this week.

New Curtains!

Travis bought me a sewing machine for christmas last year that I hadn't quite taken out of the box. We needed some curtains in our kitchen to block any peeping toms that may live behind us, so I thought there was no time like the present!
This is the window before:

And this is the window with the curtains I sewed out of ones we used to have in our first apartment:

Not bad for my first sewing project in over 10 years!